Linear resistive networks analyzer
Network solver file format


<network parameters> <analysis mode> [analysis parameters]

Network parameters

<N: unsigned> <B: unsigned>

The header must consist of 2 unsigned integers N and B

  • N is the number of nodes in the network
  • B is the number of devices (branches)

Analysis mode

<mode: DC | GEN | TWOPORT | EQ | RES >

The header must continue with a word specifying the analysis mode.

possible values:

  • DC - solves for all voltages and currents
  • GEN - solves for equivalent generator (Thevenin and Norton) parameters
  • TWOPORT - solves for all possible two-port characteristic matrices
  • EQ - diagnostic printing of the extended matrix of the equation system
  • RES - equivalent resistor parameters

If omitted, it defaults to DC

Analysis modes and parameters

Additional analysis parameters might follow after the mode


DC has no parameters, anything after mode will be ignored

Return will be a column vector with every device's voltage and current, sorted by id, so u1, i1, u2, i2, ...


<DEVICEID: unsigned> [<R1: double> <R2: double>]

GEN has the following parameters:

  • DEVICEID: unsigned integer id of a device that will be used as "output". It's equation will be replaced, so it can be anything but a resistor is recommended
  • R1, R2: resistance values to terminate the network with. Default is 1 and 1M

Result will be a 3x1 column vector [u, i, r]


<PRIMARYID: unsined> <SECONDARYID: unsigned>
  • PRIMARYID: id of the primary port of the two-port network
  • SECONDARYID: id of the secondary port of the network

Both devices will be removed, so setting them as a resistor or wire is recommended

Result will be a 12x2 matrix, where 2x2 blocks are the R, G, H, K, A and B matrices in this order from top to bottom.

WARNING: I got some funny results when NOT using device 1 and 2 as the ports, witch I'll look furter into later.


[printType: 1 | 2]


  • printType. 1 for human-readable, 2 for matlab-code. Defaults to 1 (human-readable)

Result is the extended matrix of the equation system or matlab code declarinig matrix and vector of the equation system


port: device

Calculates equivalent resistor value. Does a basic sanity check with 0-current stimulus to check if it's really a resistor.

  • PORT: id of the device identifying the ports

The equation of the device specified will be erased! If it was already erased by a nullor, the answer will be wrong!

Result is a 1x1 matrix with the resistance value.


<TYPE: string> <ID: unsigned> <PLUS: unsigned> <MINUS: unsigned> <...params>

All devices have a type, an ID, and two connections (plus and minus) to nodes.


  • type string: RES
  • parameter: resistance (double)
  • equation: iR - u = 0

Voltage source

  • type string: VOL
  • parameter: voltage (double)
  • equation: u = uset

Current source

  • type string: CUR
  • parameter: current (double)
  • equation: i = iset

Caveat: it's a current SINK, so current will flow from + to -! (it follows the normal directions for voltage and current)

Short / wire

  • type string: WIRE
  • no parameters
  • equation: u = 0
  • useful for current-controlled devices or dummy devices in TWOPORT or RESISTOR analysis

Break / probe

  • type string: PROBE
  • no parameters
  • equation: i = 0
  • useful for voltage-controlled devices or as dummy devices

Coupled devices

These devices should come in pairs, but it's not enforced, so it's the responsibility of the creator of the file to ensure that.

To make clear that a device is a coupled one, all coupled device types start with a dollar sign

Current controlled current source

  • type string: $CCCS
  • parameters: source (id), current gain (double a)
  • equation: a * i(id) - i = 0

Current controlled voltage source

  • type string: $CCVS
  • parameters: source(id), transfer resistance (double r)
  • equation: r * i(id) - u = 0

Since there's no gyrator component, two of these can be used instead easily

Voltage controlled voltage source

  • type string: $VCVS
  • parameters: source(id), voltage gain (double g)
  • equation: g * u(id) - u = 0

Voltage controlled current source

  • type string: $VCCS
  • parameters: source(id), transfer conductance (double g)
  • equation: g * u(id) - i = 0


  • type string: $NULL
  • parameters: friend device (id)
  • equations: u=0, i=0
  • since every device can have only one equation, it overrides the equation of it's 'friend' device
  • this means the other device effectively becomes a norator, and the two devices together form a nullor, or an ideal amplifier
  • the writer of a file must be careful with the friend devices!
  • using AMP shorthand is recommended instead

Coupled pair shorthand

These pseudo-devices are actually two normal devices used to build a common coupled pair. Since they are still two devices, they take the given ID and the next one.

To make clear that a device is a pair shorthand, all type strings start with an exclamation mark.

<type: string> <id> <plus1: node> <minus1: node> <plus2: node> <minus2: node> <param: double>

Don't forget that they still count as 2 devices, taking id and id+1!

ideal transformer

  • type string: !TRAN
  • parameter is ratio between first and second device
  • synthetized with a CCCS and VCVS


  • type string: !GYR
  • parameter is gyration resistance
  • synthetized with two CCVS-es

Ideal amplifier

  • type string: !AMP
  • no parameters
  • synthetized with a nullator and a short (replaced with a norator)

Empty lines, comments or EOF

  • empty lines are ignored
  • also every line starting with hashtag (#) is ignored
  • (due to the way parsing is implemented any extra info written after a line is also ignored IF NO PARAMETERS CAN FOLLOW)
  • parsing terminates without error when EOF is reached or a line starts with END
  • don't press CTRL-C, because it throws and exception.