- legend++
[B] Yeah, I’m inside the treatment facility, you copy?
[J] Mm Bill, it does seem that way. Anything on that rusty piece of shit?
[B] Let me see.. it says “Property of WaterWorks LLC, your one stop shop for exquisite cleansing; Tampering strictly prohibited.”
[J] Too bad, that is why you are there.
[B] Any clues about what sort of protection we are facing?
[J] The manual says nothing about that but my source suggested it’s custom made just for them.
[B] Big oOoOoF.
[J] Apparently it’s from the same company that made that other shitty binary protector, BabyPK. Let’s see if this is any better.
[B] Right on it chief.
Note: The flag should be submitted in ALL CAPS, like so: cd21{4LLC4PS}!
author: Sun G
Attached file:
I did NOT solve this challange!
It was possibly the hardest one in the whole CTF.
I could possibly have solved it, but I’ve decided not to do it as I’ve got tired of the whole CTF for some time, and I also got some exams / univerity homeworks, so I’ve decided to end it for myself early.
What I’ve recovered (because of course I could not help myself trying a bit):
- ELF64 binary, stripped (no suprise)
- heavyweight binary obfuscation
- SP is “hiden”, many push/pop/
lea rsp, [rsp+0x8]
operations - nearly all operations take place on the stack
- RET-based control flow
It does some libusb
-stuff, quarrying the devices.
I’ve also done some GDB-scripting, to help clean up the SP-obfuscation:
import re
MY_LOG = []
virtual_regs = {
f"ORSP-{8*x}":f"VR{chr(ord('0')+x)}" for x in range(1,9)
def step(ORSP):
gdb.execute("si", to_string=True)
addr = int(gdb.parse_and_eval("$rip"))
instr = gdb.execute("x/i $rip", to_string = True).split(":")[-1].strip()
NRSP = int(gdb.parse_and_eval("$rsp"))
instr = instr.replace("QWORD PTR ", "")
instr = instr.replace("[rsp]", f"[ORSP{d}]")
instr = instr.replace("[rsp-0x8]", f"[ORSP{d-8}]")
instr = instr.replace("[rsp+0x8]", f"[ORSP{d+8}]")
instr = instr.replace("[rsp+0x4]", f"[ORSP{d+4}]")
instr = instr.replace("pushf","push FLAGS")
instr = re.sub("push (.{2,5})",f"mov [ORSP{d-8}], \\1",instr)
instr = re.sub("pop (.{2,5})",f"mov \\1, [ORSP{d-8}]",instr)
#instr = instr.replace("push", f"[ORSP{d-8}] = ")
#instr = instr.replace("pop", f"[ORSP{d}] -> ")
for k in virtual_regs:
instr = instr.replace(k,virtual_regs[k])
if not "rsp" in instr:
MY_LOG.append(f"0x{addr:016x}: {instr}")
def do_it():
global ORSP
gdb.execute("starti", to_string = True)
gdb.execute("c", to_string=True)
ORSP = int(gdb.parse_and_eval("$rsp"))
for _ in range(1000):
def save_data(fname="MY_LOG_4"):
with open(fname, "w") as f:
for l in MY_LOG:
This un-does f-in with SP, makes all push/pop into SP-relative addressing, decodes them as variables, and logs instructions.
Sadly, when trying to trace the program this way it usually segfaults, but that’s not the case if using simple breakpoints. I guess I could have written a function to dump every instruction this way, but whatever…