s502 assembler
A very simple assembler for the 6502 line of processors written in C
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 addressmode.cConstant data related to AddressMode
 addressmode.hAddressMode enum and related data
 directive.cImplement pass 1 and pass 3 (compile) processing for directive tokens
 directive.hStep 1 and 3 processing for directive tokens
 instructions.cImplement funtions defined in instructions.h
 instructions.hInstruction data and related operations
 istack.cImplement istack member functions
 istack.hIStack class for storing non-negative integers
 loadfile.cFile reading, tokenization and token recognition step
 loadfile.hFile reading step
 logging.cGlobal variable accessor function for logging
 logging.hLogging and fancy-printing
 main.cEntry point
 map.cMap member functions
 map.hMap class
 number.cImplement number module functions
 number.hNumber module to parse numbers
 pass_one.cImplement pass one
 pass_one.hProcessing step one
 pass_twothree.cImplement processing steps 2-3
 pass_twothree.hProcessing steps 2 and 3
 state.cImplement State class methods
 state.hImplement State class
 token_t.hToken type struct
 tokenFunc.cImplement token member methods
 tokenFunc.hToken type member methods
 tokenslist.cImplement TokensList methods
 tokenslist.hImplement TokensList
 util.cImplement utility functions from util.h
 util.hVarious utility functions