s502 assembler
A very simple assembler for the 6502 line of processors written in C
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef GUARD_TOKENSLIST
void tokenslist_free(TokensList *list)
free ALL memory associated with the TokensList object
int tokenslist_add(TokensList *list, Token t)
Append a token to the list.
Token * token
Token value.
TokensListElement * tail
tail (last element) pointer
void tokenslist_debug_print(TokensList *list)
Pretty-print all tokens in a list.
struct TokensListElement * prev
prev element in list or NULL
struct TokensListElement * next
next element in list or NULL
Token type to store token information.
TokensListElement * head
head (first element) of the list
An element of a TokensList.
int tokenslist_recognize(TokensList *t)
Do token recognition on all tokens in a list.
A doubly-linked list for storing Tokens.
TokensListElement * tokenslist_remove(TokensList *list, TokensListElement *el)
remove a token from the list
void tokenslist_insert(TokensList *list, TokensListElement *target, TokensList *src)
Insert the contents of SRC into another list after an element.
TokensList * tokenslist_new()
Create a new (empty) TokensList object.